Disease is fought at the cellular level

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There is only one disease: cellular disease; and there is only one health: cellular health.” ~ Dr. Michael Kiriac, Inventor of BioSuperfood bio-algae concentrates


Our bodies are constantly regenerating at the cellular level

We are cellular beings, made up of hundreds of trillions of living, intelligent cells which, in turn, make up our organs, bones, tissues, blood, and brain. At every moment, these cells are regenerating; indeed, the default state of ...

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Nutrition to fight off a virus? Who’d a thunk it?

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I know well there are talking heads in our media who understand these concepts, after having read my book The China Study—some even having spoken to me. Yet, not once have I heard them mention the word “nutrition.” Why is this? If we can’t tell people the truth of nutrition in a time of crisis, when so many are suffering from COVID-19, and we must restart our economy to avoid yet further suffering, when will we have ...

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A New Strategy Against Viral Infections

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“The fact that most doctors learn nothing about the science of Nutrition in medical school is well known publicly and within medical school academics. Typically, most medical students read one chapter about pathologies caused by extreme nutritional deficiencies, but they learn essentially nothing about therapeutic nutrition and how it can be applied in the prevention and treatment of disease.” ~ Dr. Alex Vasquez, D.C., N.D., D.O., F.A.C.N.


Given the recent news concerning ...

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Get Fit with BioSuperfood

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If you think lifting is dangerous, try being weak. Being weak is dangerous.” ~ Bret Contreras, PhD, Sports Scientist

Regular exercise is a must

It’s proven. There’s no doubt about it. Regular exercise alleviates free radicals’ [unstable molecules that cause damage to cells] effects caused by poor diet and reduces the risk of mortality causes, of sarcopenia (age-related, accelerating decline of muscle health), of chronic diseases, and premature death in older folks. It increases muscle, tendon and ligament stability and ...

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What’s in your vitamins?

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Many realize that even the healthiest of diets cannot, on its own, provide us with all the nutrients our bodies need to function optimally. This is one reason why so many (to the tune of more than $100 billion) have turned to dietary supplements to fill in their dietary “gaps.” Yet, as we discussed in this post from December of 2016, most supplements are not what they appear to ...

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Nutritional Deficiencies and the Triage Theory of Aging

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“The culmination in cellular nutrition is the science of selecting and combining foods with highest efficiency at nourishing the cells…” ~ Dr. Michael Kiriac


Well Fed but Still Sick

When BioSuperfood inventor Dr. Michael Kiriac emigrated from his native country of Moldova to Canada following the fall of the Iron Curtain, he was amazed to find that a better quality of nutrition existed in the former Soviet Union than in North America. “Only in the ravages of the Chernobyl nuclear ...

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Boosting your immunity with BioSuperfood

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Just yesterday I was speaking with a woman who lovingly described her grandchild as “her little petri dish.” (Grandma was beginning to show the signs of an oncoming cold.) With the new school year upon us and the turn of the seasons soon to come (we had our first freeze of the year last night here in Wyoming), the talk of boosting immunity is in the air. Earlier this year, we posted about the critical need ...

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Peak Health FAQ: “How much ‘x’ is in BioSuperfood?”

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(Updated May 16, 2019)

We’re frequently asked if we have a breakdown of how many international units (IUs) or what percentage of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of a particular nutrient is contained in BioSuperfood. The answer is no.

In the past, Dr. Michael Kiriac (the inventor of BioSuperfood) attempted to provide information that gave IU units or RDA equivalents of the nutrients in BioSuperfood. However, he eventually decided to cease sharing that information because he was unsatisfied in his attempts to provide ...

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Optimum Nutrition for Optimum Cellular Performance

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As it has every year for the past twenty-five, our hometown of Lander, Wyoming is hosting this week hundreds of rock climbing enthusiasts from around the globe for the International Climbers’ Festival. This little town of maybe 8,000 souls is nestled against the foothills of the Wind River Mountain Range, a micro-range within the greater Rocky Mountain region, which provides some of the best climbing opportunities on the planet (like the limestone walls of Sinks Canyon, ...

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Peak Health FAQ: “Why am I not seeing results?”

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It sometimes happens that we’re contacted by a customer who is disappointed at not experiencing the results so many of our other customers report. Here are some things to consider.

We’ve been trained to expect immediate results  

Like most people, we grew up thinking the way to address unwanted health conditions was by taking a quick-fix, over-the-counter remedy or prescription drug. Have a headache? Take two aspirin. Upset stomach? Pepto-Bismol or Tums will do the trick. Remember those ...

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