Hearkening back to the successful Lyne and Alain Forget Dairy Farm study of the mid-2000s conducted by BioSuperfood inventor Dr. Michael Kiriac, a PhD student at Harper Adams University, a specialty agricultural university near Shropshire, England, has successfully increased the level of long chain omega-3 fatty acids while reducing the level of saturated fatty acids in cheese by feeding microalgae to Holstein cows.
As reported by the university, student Bethan Till of Wales said that her study was designed to improve the health of dairy products by increasing the amount of long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in milk and therefore cheese. Noting omega-3’s many health benefits, Till stated that modern Western diets provide insufficient levels of omega-3s and cited diminishing fish consumption as one reason: “Fish is typically regarded as a natural source of omega-3s but the levels are diminishing and less fish is being consumed. […] We’ve managed to increase the level of omega-3 by feeding microalgae to cows. Microalgae is at the bottom of the food chain and is eaten by fish, which are consequently rich in omega-3, so we knew it’s a good source.” By increasing omega-3s in cheese, a popular component of many people’s diets, Till hopes to improve health without requiring people to alter their eating and shopping habits. “It’s also a good route to ensure that children achieve good intake levels of omega-3s as they’ll more readily consume milk and cheese, than say fish,” said Till.
Till’s study is reminiscent of the study conducted by Dr. Michael Kiriac between 2006 and 2008 on the aforementioned Lyne and Alain Forget Dairy Farm in Laval, Quebec, Canada. BioSuperfood bio-algae concentrates were incorporated into the commercial feeds of 22 Holstein dairy cows out of a herd of 50 with the purpose of increasing productivity. At the beginning of the study, the herd was already performing above average but, for the purpose of this study, certain parameters were targeted for amelioration: milk volume, texture of the udder, somatic cell count (SCC), overall productivity, emptying of the udder, gestation period, and reduction of nervousness of the cow during milking, which may lead to greater emptying of the udder. The results of the study were monitored at regular intervals over 36 months by Valacta, an independent provincial dairy center of expertise regulated by the Quebec Dairy Industry. After the conclusion of the study, the following results were reported:
- 3,000 kg increase in milk production
- general increase of the Breed Class Average (BCA) of 20% for milk, 9.3% in fat, and 8.6% in protein
Also observed were the following results compared to the provincial averages:
- reduction of the gestation interval from 426 to of 384 days
- milk production increase from 8,622 kg to 12,186 kg per year
- fat production increase from 329 kg to 434 kg per year
- protein production increase from 278 kg to 399 kg year
Mr. Alain Forget, owner and president of the dairy farm, reported also that his herd showed signs of better health and achieved better emptying of the udder from milking due to diminished nervousness. Noted Forget, “Previously with these cows in the trial and currently with the cows not involved in the trial, the udder will remain somewhat hard after milking while on the cows using [BioSuperfood] bio-algae concentrates the udder is nice and soft.” As also hoped, the study achieved notable decreases in somatic cell count, an indicator of high quality milk. “Because of the independently and statistically measured results obtained with our herd,” reported Forget, “we believe that [BioSuperfood] bio-algae concentrates must affect positively the brain organ hypothalamus, which is responsible for the metabolism regulation.”
Another interesting connection between the two studies was the observation that only a moderate amount of microalgae was necessary to achieve the desired results. The cows in the Harper Adams study were fed one of four diets, three of which contained microalgae at different levels to establish which produced the best results. Till noted that, “We found that microalgae at a medium level worked best.” In fact, in the Alain Forget Diary Farm study — demonstrating the astounding potency of BioSuperfood — the cows were fed 5,000g less protein feed and only one gram (less than three capsules) of BioSuperfood a day!
Studies such as Bethan Till’s continue to provide evidence of the potency and effectiveness of microalgae as a foundational component of a healthy diet. Yet BioSuperfood, due to the superior potency and bioavailability of its four component microalgae, has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and deliver nutrition directly to the brain’s “governing region” — what Michael Kiriac calls the “Genius” — that oversees metabolic health. The remarkable benefits of BioSuperfood have been realized in both animal and human applications for more than 25 years and have been scientifically proven to far exceed those of any single alga, algae blend, green food, or superfood known today.
~ Owen Sweeney
Sources: “Improving how healthy dairy products are by feeding cows microalgae,” Harper Adams University; “Awakening the Genius Within: The Culmination in Cellular Nutrition,” by Roland Thomas, ND; “Microalgae in cow diet can deliver more omega 3 in cheese,” NUTRAingredients.com
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About the Author:
After experiencing astounding health improvements from the use of BioSuperfood bio-algae concentrates, Owen & Regina formed Peak Health Supplements to share those benefits with as many people as possible in order to help them achieve peak health.