Moldovan scientist Dr. Michael Kiriac (now a Canadian citizen) and his team began research on BioSuperfood bio-algae concentrates in the early 1970s in response to the pandemic of disease (most especially cancers) ravaging the nation’s human and animal populations. So dire was the problem that the country’s livestock, which had been stolen by the Soviet government from family farms and collectivized onto factory-style farms, was in danger of almost complete devastation.
Faced with the potential loss of the nation’s food supply, the government, impressed with Dr. Kiriac’s pioneering research that indicated that nutrition, rather than pharmaceuticals, was both the solution to the prevention of disease and also the foundation of health, invested more than 20,000 man-years and hundreds of millions of dollars testing tens of thousands of species of algae on more than 20 species of animals (individual animals numbering in the millions – unheard of in most studies) to solve the problem. The results were astounding, achieving 100% eradication of cancers in livestock and restoration of health to many survivors of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
In 1985, after completing ten years of intense research focusing on the science of algae applied to cancers and other diseases with the Academy of Science of Moldova, Michael Kiriac was invited to join the Ministry of Agriculture of Moldova as chief of the Nutrition Sciences department. He was asked to accelerate his research for application to the agriculture industry, specifically livestock, and a large poultry farm in Moldova was selected to be the research center.
Housing and research facilities were established for 600 workers and 200 researchers. The research center hosted up to 1½ million egg-laying chickens in several buildings surrounding the main research facility, each holding 75,000 chickens. The research center’s mandate was to:
- House the largest, most technologically advanced algae bioreactor facility on Earth
- Eradicate and prevent diseases, including cancers such as Marek disease
- Increase animal productivity
- Be as biologically organic as possible
- Derive profits through selling animal products to other countries
The research produced astounding animal health, achieving 100% healing and eradication of Marek disease, saving 100% of the diseased animals. About 50% of the newly-healed animals where returned to the production cycle to lay eggs again. All this was achieved with the use of organic grains and bio-algae concentrates without the use of antibiotics, growth hormones, or other artificial means. By using bio-algae concentrates, farms gained superior productivity in production farming of poultry for meat and eggs as demonstrated by:
- 20% overall productivity increase
- Increase in viability of the chickens by 4.45%
- Increased chicken average weight by 21.26%
- Diminished feed by 14%
- Increased strength of the eggshell
- Rise of 5.8% in egg fertilization
- Rise of 3.8% in egg laying
- Decreased mortality rate of chicks to 1.35% from an average of 10%
- Larger eggs with stronger shells
- 24 vs.17 months of laying egg period
- 14 more eggs per month per chicken
- Better tasting meat and eggs
In two years, it was observed and confirmed that when applying bio-algae concentrates to the first generation of poultry, the subsequent generation became healthier and the next generation was even healthier, stronger and more resistant to diseases. The second and subsequent generations did not suffer from cancers. The optimum dosage was introduced in the agriculture industry immediately, resulting in a productivity increase.[/vc_column_text]
The photograph above is of the abandoned “ghost city” of Pripyat, Ukraine, site of the devastating 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster. (You can see the power plant on the horizon.) Not only was the region around the reactor affected (and remains so today), but the neighboring state of Belarus received 70% of the radioactive fallout, and 23% of its territory became contaminated. More than 160,000 children and 146,000 cleanup workers were victims of radiation poisoning, which resulted in birth defects, leukemia, cancer, thyroid disease, degeneration of spinal fluids, liver and bone marrow disease, as well as anemia, loss of vision and appetite, and a severely compromised immune system.
Because of his previous success eradicating various cancers in many animal species, and with humans in smaller scale clinical studies, Mr. Kiriac was asked to work locally with adults and children from neighborhood schools who were suffering from the radiation exposure. BioSuperfood bio-algae concentrates were administered in therapeutic doses, and Mr. Kiriac, working with a small team, was able to closely monitor the regenerative power of bio-algae concentrates. Several health improvements were noted:
- Dangerously low white blood cell counts (leukemia) were significantly redressed in less than 20 days, leading to rapid improvements in the health of treated children compared to others who did not receive bio-algae concentrates
- Regeneration of bone marrow, spinal fluids, blood, and liver
- Reduction in urine radioactivity levels by more then 40% in less then 20 days
Amazingly, there was health restoration even when children’s disease was so advanced that their eyeballs where bulging out of their sockets. In addition, the healing occurred during continuous presence of radiation as well as contaminated food and water sources.
In 1993, the Belarus Ministry of Health concluded: “[A]lgae preparations decrease radiation dose load received from food contaminated with radionuclides Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 and promote the evacuation of radionuclides from the human body.” No side effects were ever registered.
In 1989, an epidemic of various cancers was decimating the mink population in Siberia, mostly around the large city of Omsk. The mink industry was an important and historically beloved industry because of minks’ superior fur. Once again, the Nutrition department of the Moscow Academy of Sciences ordered Mr. Kiriac to join the team in Omsk to eliminate the cancers and save the industry.
The first order was to build a local bioreactor, providing bio-algae concentrates for the project as well as for the region in the future. The effort proceeded to fine-tune the right concentrate blends for minks and to add them to their diet. By the following year, the epidemic was under control and the cancers subsided. This provided further evidence of the power of bio-algae concentrates, which created greater support for Mr. Kiriac, who was by now widely respected for his research and success. He went on to earn his Doctorate in Biotechnology in 1990 and emigrated to Canada with his family shortly thereafter.
From 1999 to 2000, working with the research department of McGill University in Montreal, Dr. Kiriac initiated the first of several small scale trials to take place in America. He was able to reproduce on a much smaller scale the poultry productivity results achieved in Moldova. Out of the two test groups of 13,000 chickens each, the group fed with bio-algae concentrates demonstrated the expected results over the group not fed bio-algae concentrates: larger eggs, stronger shells, more eggs per month, reduction of bad fat, and reduction in the birth mortality rate.
In January of 2004, an agreement was reached with Alain Forget, the owner and manager of the Alain Forget Dairy Farm located in Laval, Quebec. Bio-algae concentrates would be incorporated into the commercial feeds of 22 dairy cows out of a herd of 50 Holstein cows with the purpose of increasing productivity.

At the start of the evaluation, the herd was already performing above average but, for the purpose of this evaluation, certain parameters were targeted for amelioration: milk volume, texture of the udder, somatic cell count (SCC), overall productivity, emptying of the udder, gestation period, and reduction of nervousness of the cow during milking, which may lead to greater emptying of the udder. The results of the ongoing evaluation were monitored at regular intervals by Valacta, an independent provincial dairy center of expertise regulated by the Quebec Dairy Industry. Following is the summary of the results after 36 months of evaluation as written by Alain Forget in August of 2008:
“For 36 months we have been using bio-algae concentrates with a group of cows within our Holstein dairy herd. The results show a 3,000 kg augmentation of milk production over 36 months, a general augmentation of the Breed Class Average (BCA) of 20% for milk, 9.3% in fat, and 8.6% in protein. These results have earned us the General Herd Performance award from Valacta, the Quebec milk control agency. We have also observed the following results when compared to provincial averages: a gestation interval of 384 days as compared to 426 for the provincial average; a milk production of 12,186 kg per year compared to 8,622 kg; a 434 kg production of fat versus a provincial average of 329 kg; and a protein production of 399 kg as opposed to 278 kg for provincial.
“During this period, the evaluated herd increased from 22 cows to 40 lactating cows. The augmentation of the average age of the herd has an influence on the somatic cell count (SCC). We observed our SCC distorted by nearly 34% because of two or three cows. With the deviation, the count stands at 235,000, slightly over the provincial average. During the months of March to May, the SCC stood below the provincial average of 110,000, with 105,000 in March, 102,000 in April, and 65,000 in May. Because of the independently and statistically measured results obtained with our herd, we believe that bio-algae concentrates must affect positively the brain organ hypothalamus, which is responsible for the metabolism regulation. We are excited to continue the evaluation with focus on a healthier udder, longevity of the herd, and thus increased profits for the farm.”
When working with animals in testing dietary changes for health or productivity, there are no placebo affects, and it is much easier to ensure that all participants are eating the same diet; thus the results can be significantly more valid than those from the tests with humans. Based on the verified increase in many productivity factors for the 22 cows in this study, we must conclude that bio-algae concentrates augment cellular nutrition to the brain hypothalamus-pituitary axis which regulates the metabolism and brings about a positive impact on the endocrine and central nervous systems.
In October 2007 Dr. Kiriac and Dr. Roland Thomas began a study in cooperation with Merri Mason, owner of Bighorn Sheep Farm in Butler, Ohio, whose herd had contracted Johne’s disease (pronounced “yo-knees”). Johne’s disease is a contagious, chronic, and often fatal infection that affects primarily the small intestine of ruminants; it typically kills most animals of a herd by the time they reach 2 years of age.
Bio-algae concentrates were added to the daily feed of 12 sheep selected from among the herd of 35 with the purpose of saving the sheep by increasing their overall cellular nutrition, vitality, and immunity. For the purpose of the study the selected sheep were kept apart from the main herd. At the start of evaluation, the herd was already being decimated by Johne’s, and the owner was thinking of euthanizing the entire herd as recommended by the veterinarian. (Once a herd is affected, there usually is no other solution.) The following is Merri Mason’s report after 11 months of testing:
“Well, finally had a chance to get together this brief testimonial on the effects of bio-algae concentrates on my bighorn sheep. First, I want you to know that I have not had a symptomatic sheep in 9 months. The two rams that were born with symptoms, although undersized, appear to be fine. What first comes to mind is the hair quality. All the lambs on the program from conception have superior hair coats from the last crop. The hair is softer and shinier. The color seems to be intensified as well. I also notice them to be calmer and easier to wean. Horn growth on the 2-3 month old rams comes sooner and with bigger diameter at the base and length overall for that age. Now we know that the symptoms of the disease usually shows up at or just after age two, so we will have to wait on these rams awhile. BUT I have quite a few sheep that have passed their two year birthdays that did not get the algae until they were over a year that seem symptom free. Another interesting factor is that I have two sheep from the original herd that are at least 4 years old, and appear symptom free. Many of the sheep from that herd died from the disease. It seems that there are so many factors to consider with Johne’s. Some are symptomatic, some carriers with no symptoms, etc. I believe the best test will be the two young rams that were born with symptoms, and now appear symptom free. We will be closer to the truth when they are two.
“I think this is a good place to start, because the rams that started on your product a year ago are starting to turn two years. All of the sheep coats are thick and colors are intensified. I have also noticed a calmer nature and ease of handling with these normally difficult to handle breeds. During gestation the ewes seem to gain weight almost too rapidly. I often have to cut back on the dosage during this time and lactation or the ewes get too fat and produce too much milk. I no longer have the problem of a ewe’s drastic weight loss due to feeding twins over a three month period. I have also reduced the amount of grain I feed with the same results as the former amount.
“So far all are healthy, but the most amazing thing is their horns. I have enclosed photos of Ramsey and Gunner – they have the horn growth of three to four year old rams at barely two years. These rams and the crop behind them also have larger body mass than previous crops with the same bloodline.
“Humpfrey and Jackson, two rams born sick out of the sick ewes that died within weeks of delivering are undersized for their age, but are symptom free at this time. They will be a year old in November. They both got a bad start because they were undernourished during development, and the brown one had poor quality milk from the ewe. Humpfrey is a real stinker, hates to be caught, and gets out of everything true to his Mouflon nature. Jackson is totally tame much like a cat. He also likes to ram the cats and steal their food. I feel totally blessed that you both have given me the opportunity to save my herd and demonstrate the benefits of your product. I have actually started thinking that I could sell some of my sheep again without wondering if I am causing grief in someone else’s herd. The frustration I have experienced with turning buyers and breeders away after working on the breeding aspects of this herd for 4 years is difficult to describe. You and the Doctor have given me some hope that at least I can keep my beautiful animals and not have to helplessly watch them die.”
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(All of the above excerpted and adapted from Dr. Roland Thomas’ free eBook, Awakening the Genius Within: The Culmination in Cellular Nutrition (get your free copy here), which tells the inspiring story of how Dr. Kiriac invented bio-algae concentrates, popularly known today as BioSuperfood.)