All three BioSuperfood (BSF) formulas consist of the same four nutrient-dense algae, though each delivers a different nutritional value and potency to accommodate individual biochemistry and different states of health. The more potent formulas contain increasingly greater amounts of red algae and carotenoids, which are known to reach the brain more efficiently and better aid the body in detoxification and self-repair.

Each of the three BioSuperfood formulas was awarded an individual Natural Product Number (NPN) from the Health Products and Food Branch of Health Canada (Canada’s equivalent to the FDA). Each formula was evaluated as a separate product with its own ingredient and nutrient analysis, detail analysis for purity (free of pollutants and improper level of heavy metals or other toxicity), and manufacturing process proof of quality. Few, if any, other algae products have ever been subject to such a stringent level of inspection and scrutiny.

BioSuperfood f3 logo

Advanced Nutritional Support

Approx. 7x more potent than f2k core

180-count bottle / $129 + shipping

Quantity discounts available

Far and away our most popular formula, BioSuperfood f3k forte provides advanced immune system support and increased vitality for healthy aging. Approximately seven times more potent than f2k core, f3k forte is suggested for improved athletic performance and for those suffering from chronic conditions, including cancer. Possible benefits include…

  • All benefits from f1k base and f2k core*
  • Advanced protection and prevention*
  • Reduced inflammation and faster recovery time*
  • Support for longer-lasting energy boost*
  • Increased recuperation and regeneration*
  • Powerful immune system support*

Health Canada NPN 8011399

*Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). None of the products offered on this website are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

BioSuperfood f2 core

General Nutritional Support

Approx. 5x more potent than f1k base

180-count bottle / $75 + shipping

Quantity discounts available

BioSuperfood f2k core provides general nutritional support and is approximately five times more potent than f1k base. It is suggested for increased vitality, strength, and endurance for general activity, and in support of sports and fitness practices. Possible benefits include…

  • All benefits from formula f1k base*
  • Increased energy, strength, endurance, and stamina*
  • Faster recovery from exertion*
  • Sustained muscle mass gains*
  • Improved mental focus and concentration*
  • Healthier teeth, skin, nails, and hair*
  • Increased free radical protection*

Health Canada NPN 80105246

*Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). None of the products offered on this website are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

BioSuperfood f1 base

Gentle Nutritional Support

Base formula containing all essential nutrients

180-count bottle / $55 + shipping

Quantity discounts available

BioSuperfood f1k base provides gentle nutritional support for young children and those with weak constitutions or who suffer from severely compromised immunity. A good source of essential nutrients, possible benefits of formula f1k base include…

  • Increased immune support*
  • Strengthening of organs*
  • Enhanced overall well-being*
  • Detoxification*
  • Simplified supplementation*

Health Canada NPN 80105247

*Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). None of the products offered on this website are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Processed pet food bears little, if any, resemblance to the natural diet of a carnivore. Canned food and dry kibble lack important nutrients, including enzymes that are necessary for proper digestion. Without these enzymes pets age faster and are plagued by degenerative diseases such as arthritis, cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, and others.

Animals in the wild instinctively feed themselves on raw food and consume algae when they drink from natural water sources. Just like BioSuperfood*, BioPreparation is made from the four most potent and complete micro-algae on Earth, providing your animals the daily essential nutrients nature intended them to have.

*BioPreparation formulas for animals are identical to the BioSuperfood formulas for humans, except that they are freeze dried at a colder temperature in order to achieve a slightly finer powder to increase assimilation for the shorter digestive tracts of certain animals.

BioPreparation F3+

Advanced Nutritional Support for Animals

Approx. 7x more potent than F2+

60-ct. bottle / $50 + shipping

BioPreparation F3+ Forte for animals provides robust nutritional support, protection, and rejuvenation of the immune system and increased vitality for healthy aging. It also can serve as a replacement for some supplements and vitamins. Possible benefits include

  • All benefits from F2+ Core*
  • Immunity toxin shield*
  • Rejuvenation and repair*
  • Increased strength and vitality*
  • Peak performance and stress protection for active, athletic, and/or show animals*

*Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). None of the products offered on this website are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

BioPreparation F2+

General Nutritional Support for Animals

Approx. 5x more potent than f1

60-ct. bottle / $29 + shipping

BioPreparation F2+ Core for animals provides general nutritional support and maintenance of the immune system and as a replacement for some supplements and vitamins. It is also recommended for increased vitality, strength, and endurance for general activity. Possible benefits include…

  • Increased, energy, endurance, and stamina*
  • Faster recovery from exertion*
  • Healthier teeth, skin, nails, and coat*
  • Sustained muscle mass*
  • Promotion of calmness*
  • Increased free radical protection*

*Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). None of the products offered on this website are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.